School. Tired. Need A Rest.
Monday, 28 January 2013 • 17:28 • 0 comments
Assalamualaikum. Lama dah tak post dekat blog kesayangan ni. Tsk tsk tsk :'( Hehe, emo terlebih la pulak :p Okayokay. Harini tak pergi sekolah sebab sakit tekak berkesempatan lah nak update blog and write a new post, right? Mimie dah tukar skin baru comel tak? *troll face*
Bila bosan dalam kelas macam ni lah gaya mimie. Kadang kadang tidur. Kalau bosan sangat :'D Btw, hari Jumaat ni sekolah kitaorang ada buat latihan merentas desa. Cepatkan? Lalala. Patutnya harini kena stayback dekat sekolah sampai pukul 5 sebab ada Latihan Larian Merentas Desa. Disebabkan keadaan tak mengizinkan tak dapatlah hadir ke sekolah. Sorry ye cikgu? *buat muka comel*
Sekolah korang bila nak buat Merentas Desa? Haaaa.
Xoxo. Done, Publish :*
Sekolah? Apakah itu?
Tuesday, 8 January 2013 • 03:05 • 0 comments
Assalamualaikum and Hi :) Sihat? Lama tak post entry kan? Such as.................Lol. Sekolah? Macam tak best je sekolah tahun ni dan selama lamanya. Hihihi :B I ambik PD dan SENI je. Harap harap tangan aku lembut untuk melukis untuk Seni. Tadi cikgu tunjuk budak tahun lepas buat Seni, comel gila v.v Jelous aku~ Dengan barang untuk buat file Seni pun aku tak beli lagi. Feel lifeless gilaaa.
Korang suka tak baca novel? Mimie minat gila baca novel. Itulah rutin harian setiap malam. Tak kira ah esok sekolah ke tak :D Kalau nak baca online klik di sini: Penulisan2u. Tapi separuh je, kalau best, try usha dekat mimie. Nanti mimie akan kata dekat orang yang jual novel murah tu tapi yang baru punya la (Y) Wassalamualaikum xx. Xoxo.
Please love me back with all your heart, please? :* B.F.F
Tuesday, 25 December 2012 • 19:06 • 0 comments
Assalamualalaikum~ BFF today for a title. Lol ;3 I fell so sleepy. But, i wanna post a entry of BFF~ I have many friends, but............................Oh okay. When i cry, she cry. I'm happy, she happy. When we have a problem, i tell her my problem. Her name is Nur Adriana Erwani~~
Goodbye 2012, Welcome 2013
• 06:59 • 0 comments
Assalamualaikum and Hi fellas~ Banyak kenangan dalam tahun 2012 ni, sedih rasa. Semoga tahun 2013 memberi makna yang mendalam lagi kepadaku. Uhuk uhuk. Sebut je pasal tahun baru, aku rasa nak pindah sekolah baru ;D Maybe sekolah bukit rangin sebab aku selesa sikit dekat sana. Hmm. Miss my geng at #BRASS. Harapan agar papa a.k.a juvana, berlembut hati agar dapat aku kembali ke sekolah lama. Windunyaaa. *flips hair* Memories 2012 are never DIE!! (:xx
Feel Happy? Yes I Am.
Tuesday, 11 December 2012 • 12:36 • 0 comments
Assalamualaikum and Hi bloggers :* I have a good new.....................maybe for me not for you. So please jangan perasaan :p Tomorrow i and my family will go to Melaka or Johor. But I don't know where we stay. Mean hotel okay? Yana and Kiki ajak hang, but sorry guys. I wanna holiday with my family :3 I hope you will have fun and happy without me :'( Takpe nanti kita hang sama sama ye. Girlfriends? :*
I'm very very very happyyyyyyyyyyy today because....................Okay I wanna talk at here because public. I want a little of privacy. Heee. Only my bff can know why I'm so happy todayy. Trololo. Dear friends, crush and you is reading my entry will take care of yourself. That's all, thank you :) Wassalamualaikum.
Gedikzz much ;p No edit.
Jelly Much :B
Monday, 10 December 2012 • 23:11 • 0 comments
Assalamualaikum and Hi~ Start from now, I don't want to shock myself i'm afraid I'll be over feeling.
I really want a boyfriend who can take care of me, romantics and loving. To share problem, joy and grief to him. I don't feel nothing.......... Because no boys besides me :3 And sometimes, forgive someone better than continue to bear a grudge. When to pick, we had to sacrifice one of the options available. Not all what we want in this world to be owned.
Friday, 7 December 2012 • 19:41 • 0 comments
Assalamualaikum and hi!! Hello fellas. Sihat tak? Kalau tak sihat pergi makan ubat okay? :* Hihihi, happy gila tak jadi ikut pergi kelantan. Hahaha *gelakjahat* Papa pergi sana sebab adik ada temuduga mrsm dekat Tumpat, Kelantan. *ketukmeja* Dan khamis ni papa ajak pergi Johor. Bercuti. Hehehe. Kalau yana tahu aku nak pergi Johor mesti dia jelous :p Punyalah bergaduh aku, angah dengan papa sebab taknak ikut pergi kelantan. Akhirnya dapat jugak. Freedom!! Bolehlah keluar bandar rabu ni. Tapi aku ada ke duit? *garukepala* Lama dah tak hang dengan yana. Last hang dengan yana masa seminggu sebelum aku PMR.
Tapi kena kata awal awal takut yana takda duit or malas. Mesti best hang dengan Kiki, Yana, Aku, Aizzad dan Kawan Kiki, maybe.
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